arrange, assign, prescribe, resolve, provide, fix, appoint
specify (that) : to name or state explicitly or in detail (the regulations specify that calculators may not be used in the examinationt ● require; ordain; prescribe (Public trustee – [is] an official appointed pursuant to the Public Trustee Act, 1906. His powers and duties are prescribed by that Act – JBS ● enact (Hundred court – it [hundred court] had been long obsolete when its jurisdiction was practically abolished by s. 28 of the County Courts Act, 1867 (repealed) by which it was enacted that no action which could be brought in a county court should thenceforth be maintainable in any hundred or other inferior court not being a court of record – JBSr ● mandate : to make mandatory : order; also : direct, require (arbitration clause [is] a contractual provision mandating arbitration – and thereby avoiding litigation – of disputes about the contracting parties’ rights and duties – BB ● pass a resolution ● prescribe : a : to lay down as a guide, direction, or rule of action : ordain b : to specify with authority (bill of attainder – A special legislative act prescribing capital punishment, without a trial, for a person guilty of a high offense such as treason or felony; bills of attainder are prohibited by U.S. Const. art I, § 9, cl. 3 – Also termed act of attainder. BB
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